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Third Party Politics

American politics are currently dominated by the Republican and Democratic parties, it has been this way for well over 50 years. Both the Democrats and Republicans claim to represent whole of the ideological spectrum that exists within the United States, with the Democratic Party saying they represent the "left" and the Republican Party saying they represent the "right". For as long as these two parties have existed, there have been gripes about how they function. How well the two parties effectively represent the "right" and the "left" of the political spectrum has always been up for debate. Because of this apparent gap in opinion between the two parties and the general population, "third parties" have attempted to gain influence in American politics. Truthfully, third parties have largely been failures in American politics, they have never held much political power in United States, save for having a claim to being " spoile...
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What I Am Thankful For

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What Comes Next?

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US Military Intervention In Venezuela?

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It's Time To Move On From The War On Drugs

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Is This Just The Beginning?

Trump Is Showing The LGBTQ+ Community His True Intentions Today Trump announced the military's new policy of banning transgender individuals from military service. It's a relatively surprising yet unsurprising twist to the Trump administration's policy regarding the LGBTQ+ community. Trump's VP, Mike Pence, has a storied  history of anti-LGBTQ+ policy.  Trump surrogates and conservative media outlets have repeatedly attempted to paint Trump as the most LGBTQ+ friendly president in American history. Even after this move, his surrogates are still trying to defend Trump and justify his actions.  Trump has attempted to paint himself as LGBTQ+ friendly because of his ongoing culture war against those that he and his camp of advisors view as non-western, primarily Muslims. Trump is emphatically the president of the nativist and xenophobic population in the US, Steve Bannon being one of his primary advisors shows this. As part of this culture war, Trump and hi...

The Power Of The Pardon

Trump Cannot Pardon Himself As the Russia investigation, as led by Robert Mueller , picks up ever increasing steam, the stress it places on President Trump has continuously increased. Recently, Trump and members of his staff have begun to research the power of the pardon that the office of the president holds. Trump is reportedly considering pardoning himself. He cannot do this. The power of the pardon may be broad, but no person in this country is above the law. When a officeholder  that maintains the power of the pardon uses it on an individual, they excuse them of all crimes that may have been committed. The use of such a power on oneself is unprecedented in American history. Nixon was not pardoned until he stepped down and Gerald Ford assumed power. This was a clear misuse of power, but it was not as much of a misuse of power had Nixon pardoned himself. Nixon clearly violated the law, he stepped down and did not face criminal charges because his successor excused him...