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Paul Ryan's Justification for Trump's Mistake Is Disappointing

Trump's "Mistake" Poses A Danger To Our Society

Former FBI Director James Comey gave testimony to the Senate today, during which we learned more details regarding his interactions with President Trump. Comey described his meeting with Trump, in regards to Mike Flynn, as a conversation in which Trump requested that Comey and the FBI drop the investigation into Flynn. The exact word that Trump used in his request was “hope”. Comey took this as being an order from the President for him to end the investigation.

Comey was criticized for not informing the President that requests of this nature were inappropriate for him to make. However, Paul Ryan, the current Speaker of the House of Representatives in Congress, described this at a news conference by saying: “He's new in government, and so therefore I think he's learning as he goes".

This response from Paul Ryan is disappointing in a multitude of ways. It shows how members of the same political party as the President find the President to be relatively incompetent. It’s also disappointing that this is what the office of the presidency has become. Trump is a man that has zero experience in government and ethical management. The political party that supports him knows as much and has done nothing about it. By justifying Trump’s actions by simply calling them the mistakes of a newcomer to government, the GOP and Paul Ryan have effectively normalized threats to our constitutional government. 

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